Effective risk management can assist companies in maintaining company performance by minimizing risk costs. Risk management within Asei Insurance companies aims to increase awareness of the full range of risks within Asei and therefore each individual, work group, business unit (branch offices and marketing offices). as well as the head office work unit must be able to manage risk in every activity it carries out.
Eliminate or reduce the potential impact and frequency of dangerous events that may occur. As a form of risk mitigation in risk management, Asuransi Asei continuously monitors the insurance and guarantee business acceptance process by establishing a Compliance Work Unit (CRM – Compliance and Risk Monitoring) .
Asuransi Asei has also developed a Risk Management Manual which aims to build risk management infrastructure, systems and methods within the company so that risk management can take place in a structured, systematic, transparent and controlled manner.
A more complete description can be seen in the Corporate Governance Report section.