
Whistleblowing System

Everything you need to know about Asei

The company always implements the principles of good corporate governance in a consistent and sustainable manner. In carrying out the Company's activities, every Asei Personnel is required to carry out their business activities with full responsibility, transparency and accountability, and by avoiding activities that lead to unethical actions or violate the code of conduct, and conflicts of interest. As a form of the Company's commitment to the implementation of good corporate governance, and in order to prevent and conduct early detection of violations that may occur within the Company, the Company considers it important to establish an Asei Whistleblowing System Guidelines.
The objectives of the Whistleblowing System Guidelines are as follows:
  • Preventing and as a means of early detection of an act of violation of the code of ethics, code of conduct and conflict of interest by Asei people within the Company.
  • As a means for stakeholders (whistleblowers) to report violations of the code of ethics, code of conduct and conflicts of interest committed by both Asei employees and Directors.
This Whistleblowing System guideline regulates the following matters: actions that can be categorized as violations, reporting mechanisms, procedures & reporting requirements, reporting guarantees, reporting follow-up mechanism, evaluation of reporting follow-up.

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