30 March 2021
Tuesday, March 30, 2021, Asuransi Asei held a virtual audience with PT Pertamina (Persero). Asuransi Asei was attended by the Marketing Director (Arijanti Erfin) and Technical Director (Kerma M Manurung), accompanied by several Division Heads and Jakarta Branch Heads Asuransi Asei. From Pertamina, it was attended by Bagus Agung Rahardiansyah as SVP Corporate Finance 2, Nailul Achmar as VP Financial Risk & Insurance and Sofjan Hermansyah as Manager Insurance Center. This virtual business audience began with a speech delivered by SVP Corporate Finance 2 PT Pertamina (Persero). He said that “with the many activities carried out by Pertamina in the oil and gas sector from drilling to shipping, insurance needs become complex, so Pertamina needs support from a solid and strong insurance company”.
Asuransi Asei, known as the One Stop Shop for Insurance company, strongly supports the needs of insurance services at Pertamina (Persero), especially in the Property Insurance segment, Marine cargo Insurance, Credit Insurance, Marine Hull and Liability. Pertamina and Asuransi Asei took the initiative in building a business collaboration that is expected to provide mutually beneficial benefits to both parties so as to encourage positive performance for each company.