Asei Insurance CSR on Go-Green Car Free Day Activities

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Asei Insurance CSR on Go-Green Car Free Day Activities

09 February 2020

Asei Insurance CSR on Go-Green Car Free Day Activities

Corporate Social Resposibility (CSR) Asei Insurance participates in Car Free Day Go-Green activities with the aim of:
1. Realizing Depok City as a Child-Friendly City
2. Implement the Child Friendly RW Program and RW 08 Kel. Jatimulya, Kec. Cilodong, Depok
3. Facilitating children of RW 08 Kel. Jatimulya, Kec. Cilodong, Depok by playing together.
4. Provide education about waste segregation.
5. Stimulate children’s creativity through the creation of used goods.