Eko Sulistyo Raharjo

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Eko Sulistyo Raharjo

12 August 2023

Eko Sulistyo Raharjo

Born in Surabaya, obtaining a Bachelor degree in Mathematics and Statistics at Airlangga University, Surabaya and a Master degree in Management at Jakarta State University. Has experience working at PT Asuransi Bumiputeramuda 1967 in 2005 – 2008. Joining Asei in 2008 and served as Head of Reinsurance, Claims & Suretyship Subrogation, Head of Oil and Gas, Head of Reinsurance, Head of Reinsurance Claims and Reporting, Head of Reinsurance and Statistics and Head of Underwriting Property & Engineering, Division Head of Trade Insurance & General Insurance. Some of the certifications currently held include: AAIK, ICBU, ICPU, ANZIIF, and CRMP. Currently he serves as  Claims, Subrogation & Reinsurance Division Head.