12 August 2023
Born in Surakarta, took a bachelor degree at University of Indonesia majoring in Business Administration in 1983, then continued his education degree at Glasgow College, Great Britain with a Diploma in Insurance major, he continued his education in 1993 at the MBA-Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia in Marketing field.His career began in 1984 as Administrative Staff at PT Reasuransi Umum Indonesia, then in 1989 he became Section Head of Foreign, Division Head of Non-life and continued to rise until he succeeded in becoming Director of Technical and Marketing of PT Reasuransi Internasional Indonesia. In 2008-2013 he was appointed as President Director of PT Reasuransi Internasional Indonesia. In 2016 he became President Commissioner of PT Reasuransi Syariah Indonesia. Currently he serves as President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner of PT Asuransi Asei Indonesia.