Increased Cooperation of Asuransi Asei with Ditjen PEN

Jakarta – Non-petroleum export climbs to increase every year in Indonesia. This is also encouraged by the government role, particularly Directorate General of National Export Development (DGNED) formulating the policies of export development and promotion, implementing the policies of export development and promotion, and establishing norms, standards, procedures, and criteria in the field of export development and promotion.

Some steps taken towards this increase of non-petroleum export are discussed in an audience of PT Asuransi Asei Indonesia (Asuransi Asei) with Directorate General of National Export Development at the Office of the Ministry of Trade, Jakarta, on 9 January 2018.

Director General of National Export Development, Arlinda accompanied by Director of Export Development Cooperation, Ganef Judawati; and Director of Promotion and Image Development, Sulistyawati, accepted the audience very well.

This meeting discussed the follow-up of the cooperation of both institutions drawn up in a Memorandum of Understanding Number 02/PEN/MOU/10/2012 concerning National Export Development which has expired two years ago.

Director General of National Export Development warmly welcomed the plan and expected that the team from the Directorate General of National Export Development will review what kind of issues that need to be renewed in the work plan of both institutions in the future in order to increase non-petroleum export of Indonesia.

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General Meeting of Shareholders on Company’s WP&B 2018

Jakarta – Located at the Meeting Room of PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero), Salemba, Jakarta, a General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is held by PT Asuransi Asei Indonesia with PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) as the majority shareholders and Koperasi Pegawai Asei (Asei Worker Cooperative) as the minority shareholder.

This GMS was held on 5 January 2018 with an agenda to approve the 2018 Work Program and Budget of PT Asuransi Asei Indonesia and to approve the 2018 Management KPI.

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Management Directions in the Beginning of 2018

Jakarta   Welcoming the new year of 2018, Asuransi Asei management held a town-hall meeting with all employees at the Head Office on 4 January 2018.

The management addressed their expectation and also provided motivation to the employees in order to enhance their productivity in 2018.

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The Pinning of Company’s Badge of PT Asuransi Asei Indonesia

Jakarta – In conjunction with the symposium held at the beginning of 2018, Asuransi Asei launched the pinning of the company’s badge.

This company’s badge is symbolically pinned by Acting President Director Asuransi Asei, Riduan Simanjuntak, with the purpose to bring sense of belonging to the company and being pride for working with Asuransi Asei. It also motivates the employees to have higher carrier path.

The employees’ awareness of the company’s culture is also expected to improve by the pinning of the company’s badge of Asuransi Asei in their office outfits every day.

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