Gedung Menara Kadin Lt. 21, Thursday, January 9, 2020 the RKAP Work Meeting in 2020, which was opened by the Director of Engineering and Marketing Mr. Erickson Mangunsong, was accompanied by the President Commissioner Mr. Untung Hadi Santosa and the Director of Finance and Human Resources Mr.David Sy
Participants in the RKAP Work Meeting are in the ranks of the Group Head at the head office and all branch heads in Indonesia in the context of achieving the targets and targets of the RKAP 2020 through the debriefing and strengthening of strategies to be implemented in 2020.
In addition, this activity was carried out in order to form a common understanding of the direction and goals of the company, both short and long term, especially in realizing Asei’s vision as a leading financial insurance company.